
Showing posts from December, 2018

How to choose Yoga Centre in Rishikesh?

 How to choose Yoga Centre in Rishikesh?  For travellers, who have traversed the world to reach India, with the main goal of learning Yoga, the decision to choose from the number of Yoga schools available is a big challenge. Given the modern means of advertising and influencing online customers, making the right decision is difficult. However, experts suggest that while making the decision to choose the right Yoga school, learners should keep the following points in mind: 1. Course Duration : The course duration should be your number one priority. Learning Yoga takes time and you must have a fair idea of how long your course will take to finish. The course duration will determine the duration of the trip and you should get a Visa for the same. One should also ascertain that the course keeps to it's duration without any extensions since that will delay your trip and may cause problems with Visa. 2. Course Type : The types of courses available for Yoga learners are infin

Best Yoga School In Rishikesh- Calling all yogis

Leave everything and just jump to the yoga classes for the sake of your health, happiness, and wellness. Don’t forget life is a onetime affair and we really need to make most out of it to get a perfect life. It’s a time to make the most of your weekend with a break at the best yoga school in Rishikesh. It's a high time to join to relax and reconnect by forgetting the stresses of the city. No matter, what you seek out- to become a yoga teacher or to learn yoga for eternal peace, you’ll leave blissfully refreshed. The unbeatable yoga classes help you to stop worrying about the future and considering the past and become present. Yoga is the way to remember who you are, what’s important in life and helps you to breathe and break. The  best yoga school in Rishikesh   will teach the right balance between energizing and relaxing practice to start the day or distress after work. Try becoming a member for unlimited classes and discover the power of good vibes. This will help people

Yoga and Mental Health

The current world situation requires every individual to be always cautious and alert of the work they're doing. Each of us are overworked and underpaid according to our capabilities. Our office hours may have shortened and we have better work ethics and longer weekends than the previous generation but we're also more accountable for any slip and simultaneously more dependent upon our jobs. Almost all of us have a long term debt and our biggest nightmare is losing our jobs. At such situations, anxiety, stress and tension are natural. However, over long term these simple ailments result in major health issues. Most middle aged people suffer from illnesses like diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, or body pain. These illnesses develop over time and are incurable, they can only be kept in check by taking regular medicines. Slowly, other chronic illness develops and slowly but surely disintegrates the wellness of the body. It's this lifestyle that will result in our genera

The Benefits of Yoga Practice

In the modern world, stress has become an integral part. Deadlines, goals, objectives, Board meetings, presentations have made us live on the edge of a mental breakdown. We witness cases of suicides and mental illnesses every day. In fact, every Indian knows someone who has committed suicide or suffers from depression or acute work pressure. Combating such pressure takes intensive care and regular work. Add to this lifestyle bad food habits, viz. junk food, alcoholic drinks, street food, fruits treated with chemicals for a longer shelf life or GMO food, we have a recipe for a unhealthy human. If the above criteria is a description of your life, let me remind you that you are looking at a future ridden with health issues. Think of chronic illnesses and diseases like high blood pressure, obesity, arthritis, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. Let me warn you that a lifestyle such as the above is a sure-shot way of increasing your dependence on medications. Why I am painting such a d

Yoga and its Significance

Yoga practice keeps people fit and active by ensuring that the physical mobility is constant for all body parts and is regularly exercised. In sedentary jobs, people often spend hours on their seats working on computers that eventually leads to spinal injury or chronic illness like spondilitis. In fact, thousands of youngsters have been complaining of early signs of aging along with symptoms like grey hair, joint ache, body pain, and memory weakening. These are all due to the increased rate of population spending time on desk jobs with little to no movement. Add to it our habit of constant snacking on deep fried and sugar high foods and we can understand why we are so much more weaker and prone to illness than our ancestors. Older generation always complain that as a young generation we are too soft. It's quite true, our bodies have lost the physical agility and elasticity due to less or no exercise. As a result, bodies are now flabby, obese, and disease ridden. Physiology expe

A Health Supplement: Yoga

Have you been looking for a health supplement to boost your immunity or feel better? For ages, people looking for physical fitness regimes have adopted Yoga. Yoga practice includes both, physical and mental workout to achieve a healthy outcome. Yoga has helped thousands of people in maintaining their weight issues, lowering obesity, and fighting chronic ailments. The effect of Yoga is such that even the Arab countries are forced to adopt it for a healthy lifestyle. The best thing about Yoga is, perhaps, the fact that it requires no workout gear or machinery and can be practiced anywhere without needing an expensive space or workout wear. In India, women of the households practice Yoga in their everyday clothes inside their homes or on their terrace. The West, though, has always leaned towards making a fashion statement out of every workout regime and so, expensive Yoga studios, high-end mats, and expensive Yoga wear have been launched by every sports company. Frankly, though