. Savasana. It is also known as Corpse poses . With the corpse pose, you lie on your back with your palms up, arms at your side. Then you relax each part of your body in turn. While doing all of this, focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply into your belly. This is a pose that is best done with your eyes closed or relaxed. 2 . Sheetali Pranayama . It is also known as cooling breath . Excellent way to address anger. You simply roll your tongue (curling in the edges) or purse your lips if you can’t roll your tongue, and inhale slowly through your mouth so that the breath comes through your rolled up tongue. Then, close your mouth and exhale through your nose. This practice is thought to reduce anger and improve focus. 3 . Ardha Matsyendrasana. It is also known as half twist pose . This yoga asana a massage the internal organs of your body and it is best for stretches your spine. You can accomplish pose by sitting with both legs ahead of you then bending one knee ...
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