5 Effective Yoga Poses Treatments For Oily Skin

1.Uttanasana(Standing Forward Bend Pose)

Steps of Uttanasana: –
Take a standing position; keep your feet and shoulder distance apart and parallel to each other.
Press your feet down in to the ground and ground yourself powerfully.
Now breathe out and gently bend down from the hips (not the waist) and place your chest and stomach on your thighs.
If you are a beginner, you ought to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this.
If your knees are bent, make sure that they’re straight over your toes.
Slowly begin to straighten out your legs however check that your chest and abdomen never leave your thighs.
Now elevate your hips as you straighten through your hamstring muscles all whereas pressing your heels into the ground.

Once you’re feeling stable, cross your forearms, grab your elbows and hang your head down.
If you’re enough flexible, you’ll attempt to bring your palms to the ground or hold your heels from behind.
Begin by holding this pose for thirty seconds and step by step work your way to one minute at a time.
While holding this position, gently inhale and exhale.
While breathe in, try to lift and lengthen your torso with each exhalation, try to go deeper and deeper into the stretch.
There another way to increase the stretch is to roll on to the balls of your feet and lean slightly forward. This stretches the backs of your legs and permits you to carry the pose for extended.
Don’t shut your eyes throughout this Asana.
Try to hold this pose for 30 seconds.
Release this pose by placing your hands back on to your hips and with a deep breath in (inhale), extend your back and come up to the initial position.

Benefits of Uttanasana
It maintains the functions of liver, kidneys and spleen.
Beneficial in flexibility of the hips.
Gives Strengths to the knees and spine also.
It improves the process of blood circulation.
Helps to improves posture and alignment.
Useful for stretching the leg muscles like calves and hamstrings.
Improves the functions of endocrine and nervous system.
Helps in cellular growth.
Eases tension in the back, shoulder, and neck
Useful for toning and activating the muscles of the abdomen.

2.Trikonasan(Triangle Pose)

How to perform triangle pose
How to do triangle pose is important? Here, the step by step practicing techniques are being mentioned.

Stand erect. Now, keep distance between your legs about 3 to 4 feet
Extend your arms at the shoulder level.
Inhale and raises your right arm by the side of your head.
Now, bend your right arms with exhaling towards the left side by keeping your body weight equally on both the feet. You should ensure that the right arm become parallel to the ground.
Maintain the position as per your comfort with normal breathing and come to the original position by inhaling.
Do the same procedure with the left arm.
Perform three to five rounds of trikonasana.

Health benefits of Triangle pose Yoga (Trikonasana)

The different benefits of Extended triangle pose (Utthita Trikonasana) and Revolved Triangle pose (Parivrtta trikonasana) are given below:

This asana is good to burn fat. Therefore, it is recommended to person who is facing the conditions of weight and obesity.
It is good for your backache
This Yoga pose is recommended for growing children to increase their height.
Triangle pose helps to strengthen your legs, knees and ankles.
Good for your digestion
It may be used for stress management.
Triangle pose helps to expand your chest and shoulders.
It ensures mobility of hip joints and neck and give proper stretch to your spine.
It strengthens the muscles in the thighs, hips and back.
 It provides stamina, balance, energy and develops focus.

3.Kapalbhati Pranayama


Though kapalbhati pranayam has number of benefits but following are some of the key benefits:
It regulates the metabolism
Releases toxins from the body
Increase immunity power
Removes arteries blockages and control cholesterol level
It helps in curing Asthama, respiratory troubles, allergies and sinus problems
It is very effective in increasing the concentration level, specially in children
It increases the body calcium level and makes the bones stronger
Cleanses the lungs and help calm the mind for deeper state of meditation
Burn extra fat specially the belly fat and helps in weight loose
Those who are suffering from obesity,   practice this pranayama regularly, and experience the magical transformations on your body
Cure constipation and acidity
Improve the blood circulation
It is very effective in getting rid of kidney stone

KAPALBHATI STEPS (how to do kapalbhati)

Kapalbhati pranayama should be practiced on empty stomach, at-least 5 hour after you had your meal. The best time for practicing it is early morning.
Sit on the padmasana OR sukhasana pose
Close your eyes
Keep the spinal straight
Keep the right palm on the right knee
Keep the left palm on the left nee
Your fingers should be in gyanmudra
Take a deep breath
And exhale with all your force, so your stomach will go deep inside
After exhalation inhale again but inhalation should not involve any additional effort
On forced exhalation, think like all the toxins and bad things going out of your body through your nose

4.Virabhadrasana – Warrior Pose –

Virabhadrasana type 2
In every Asana there is one important think “Sthira Sukham Asanam” Sthira means steady and Sukham means happy or convenience .It means when you attempting any pose you should be feel comfortable, steady and happy. The Virabhadrasana manages both the Sthira and Sukham of your body. In this Pose, holding the back arm lifted and the back foot grounded animates the mindfulness.

Steps of Virabhadrasana type II
First get into the standing position keep your body straight. By your legs keep a distance of 3-4 feet between each other.
Breathe in and lift up your both hands. (Keep your hands parallel to the floor or ground) and turn your head to the right side.
During breathing out gently turn your right feet at the angle of 90 degrees to the right side
Now gently bend your right knee little bit downward to the ground.
Ensure that your right thigh ought to be parallel to the floor or ground.
Remain in this Pose for 30 seconds and breathe deeply about 3 to 4 times.
After that breathe out and slowly down your hands and come to the standing position and breathe normally.
Rest for a while.
After this attempt the same steps with your left leg by turning your head to the left side.
Repeat this process for 3 to 6 times.

Benefits of Virabhadrasana- 

This Pose stretches and strengthens your legs and ankles.
It helps to stretch the chest, lungs, shoulders and groins.
It helps to improves the digestive system and provoke the abdominal organs.
It helps to boost the stamina.
Relieves in any kind of backaches.
Good exercise for pregnant women. (Pregnant women who are in their second and third trimesters. But they must have consulted with a doctor and concern yoga expert before doing this pose).
It is beneficial in the problems of osteoporosis, flat feet, carpal tunnel syndrome, infertility and sciatica.

This pose spreads courage, peace, calmness and auspiciousness to the mind and body also. It is an extremely comfortable pose to do.

5.Salamba Sarvangasana – Shoulder Stand –

Steps of Shoulders stand Pose
Lie down on your back straight.
Breathe in and breathe out, lift your both legs in the upward direction.
Stop at that point when both legs make a 90-degree angle with the floor.
Make the Uttanpadasana Posture.

While exhaling lift your waist; push your legs back over the head.
Use your both hands for supporting waist.
Get your legs, back, and waist in one straight line.
Stretch your toes towards the sky, keep your eye on your toes.
Hold the position for some time, keep normal breathing.
Slowly get back to initial position.
Repeat this for three to four times.

Benefits of Sarvangasana yoga pose

Controls and cures the issues related to genital organs.
Beneficial in constipation.
Cures varicose veins and hemorrhoids.
Useful in problems related to Ears, nose, and throat.
Vivified the blood circulatory system, digestive system, and respiratory system.
Freshen the thyroid gland; coz during pose lots of blood flows towards the throat.
Cures for sexual disorders.
Control and helps to restore seminal fluid loss through night wetting or Masturbation.
Beneficial in Asthma, diabetes, liver disorders and intestinal disorders.
Controls shrinking of skins and wrinkles in the face.


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