5 Yoga Asanas for Sleep Comfortably With buddhayogpeeth
It is also known as Cat-cow stretch
It allows more coordinated physical
It greatly improves flexibility.
It improves posture and helps improve
your walk.
It acts as an excellent warm-up for the
entire body.
Since it actively stretches your back,
torso, and neck, it improves your spine alignment.
It strengthens and stimulates the
abdominal muscles.
It helps in regulation of breathing
It stimulates your kidneys and adrenal
It calms you down and relieves stress.
It is greatly beneficial in relieving
back pain.
When you doing this yoga asana then you
Relief the tension in the back, shoulders and chest.
From this yoga pose you become stress
free and it is stretches the spine.
Doing this yoga pose relieve neck and
lower back pain.
It is best for the relaxes our body.
Calms the nervous system.
Reduces the mind and stress free our body.
It is also known as Legs up the wall
Reduce the headaches
Boost energy in your body.
Reduce lower-back pain
It is also known as Supine twist Pose.
When you doing this yoga pose regularly
then it stimulates and tones your internal organs.
This yoga pose ensures good digestion.
it gives your body a better stretch.
5. Shavasana
It is also known as the Corpse pose.
This yoga asana should be practiced at the end of
each yoga asanas.
Reduces stress.
Rejuvenates the body.
Best for the quit urge to smoke.
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