Increase your height naturally by doing these yoga asanas

1.Tadasana(palm tree pose)
It stretches the arms, chest, abdomen, spine and the legs in a very good manner.
Moreover it helps in increasing the height.

Stand straight with the legs aparting your hands slighlty on the sides.
Looking straight Raise the hand above your head.
Interlock your fingers and turning it upwards. Face the palm up to the sky.
Adjust the gaze slightly to look above the horizontal level.
While Breathing in deeply stretch your arms, Bring your shoulders and chest upwards.
Raise your heels so that the weight of your body is borne by your toes.
Start Stretching your whole body from your feet to your head.
Try Remaining in this pose for a few seconds.
while exhaling Bring down your heels.
This will be your first round. You can try this up to 10 rounds.
During your whole practice your eyes should remain steadily fixed in front little above the level of your head.

2.Trikonasana(Triangle pose)
Helps in Stretching the hips, back muscles, chest and shoulders.
Stretches the spine.
It improves your flexibility of the spine, corrects the alignment of shoulders

Stand with your feet one leg-length apart, unbent your knees.
Turn your right foot completely outside and your left foot not more than 45 degrees to the inside, keep your heels in the line with your hips.
Spread the arms out to the sides, paralleled with the floor, Palms Should be facing down,
while your arms remain parallel to the floor Extend the trunk as far as you feel comfortable to your right.
Once you extend the trunk fully to the right, Drop your right arm so that the right hand reaches your Shin to the front of your right foot,
with your palm down if its flexed.
Extend your left arm vertically and Gently twist your spine and trunk counterclockwise using the extended arms as a lever while the spine remains parallel to the floor.
Stretch your arms away from one another and the head is often turned  gazing at your left thum, Gradually intensifying the twist of the spine.
Try to be in this position for 5 to 10 breaths then change your sides.
Repeat this posture but change your legs position.

3. Hasta padasana(standing forward bend)
Effective in increasing the height.
Makes the spine flexible and strengthens it.

Stand in a straight posture with spines erect.
Both your legs should be touching each other.
Now start inhaling and bring both of your hand above the head. Make your hands straight.
Now while exhaling, bend yourself forward from your waist and try to touch your feet with both of your hands.
Don't bend the knees. And Make a contact of your head with your knees.
Try holding this position for a few seconds breathing normally.
Now while breathing in come back to your initial position.
Try repeating this for few times.

4. Paschimottanasana (forward bend pose)
Helps in Stretching the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings
Helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort

Begin in a Staff Pose (Dandasana) with the legs straight in front of your body.
Straighten your arms out to the sides and up over to the head, reaching towards the ceiling.
Breathing in draw the spine up long.
As you breath out,Start coming forward, hinging at your hips. Imagine that your pelvis is a bowl filled with water which is tipping forward.
Each time you breath in, lengthen your spine. If you want You may come a little bit out of the forward bend to do this.
And on each exhalation process, Try to go deeper into your forward bend. Imagine that your belly resting on your thighs, rather than the nose coming to the knees.
This helps in keeping your spine long.
Keep your neck as the natural extension of your spine, neither cranking it to look up nor letting it go completely.
When you have come to your full extension with the spine long, Make your decision whether you want to stay here or let your spine round forward.
Take a hold of your ankles or shins, whichever is easier for you to reach. You can try using a strap around the feet. Keep the feet flexed strongly throughout.


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