Yoga poses to Relieve Lower Back Pain legged king pigeon(Eka padarajakapotasana)
Opens joint of the hips
hip flexor gets lenghthen
Thighs, gluteals and piriformis muscles get stretched.
The groin and psoas gets extended
Increased hip flexibility
posture, alignment, and overall suppleness gets improved.
lower back pain and stiffness gets diminished

From pigeon prep, Point your foot up to the ceiling bending your left knee
Using your right hand Reach across the front of your body. And with your right hand hold your left toes. Pull your toes towards your body.
While taking hold of your left toes using your right hand, reach your left arm straight up.
Bending your left elbow reach behind your back for grabbing your left toes with the left hand as your elbow stays pointing up.
With your right hand release the grip on the toes.
Turning your chest towards the front of the mat.
Reach the right arm straight up. Bend your right elbow to reach behind your back for the left toes. The right elbow points towards the ceiling.
Drop your head back untill the sole of the foot touches the top of the head.

2.Seated Forward bend (paschimottanasana)
Helps in the Stretching of the spine, shoulders, and hamstrings
Helps in relieving the symptoms of menopause and menstrual discomfort

Start by sitting in a Staff Pose (Dandasana) with the legs straight in front of your body.
Straighten your arms out to the sides and up over to the head, reaching towards the ceiling.
Breathing in draw the spine up long.
As you breath out,Start coming forward, hinging at your hips. Imagine that your pelvis is a bowl filled with water which is tipping forward.
Each time you breath in, lengthen your spine. If you want You may come a little bit out of the forward bend to do this.
And on each exhalation process, Try to go deeper into your forward bend. Imagine that your belly resting on your thighs, rather than the nose coming to the knees.
This helps in keeping your spine long.
Keep your neck as the natural extension of your spine, neither cranking it to look up nor letting it go completely.
When you have come to your full extension with the spine long, Make your dicision whether you want to stay here or let your spine round forward.
Take a hold of your ankles or shins, whichever is easier for you to reach. You can try using a strap around the feet. Keep the feet flexed strongly throughout.

3.Extended child's pose (utthita balasana)
Opens the upper part of the back
Opens the lower part of the back and the hips
ankles, knees, and hips gets Stretched

Begin with the Child’s Pose. Kneeling down on the floor.
Breath out throughly and lay the torso down between the thighs.
Bring your hands on the ground side by side to your torso, palms should be up,Releasing the front of your shoulders towards the ground.
extend your arms forward with the palms flat on the floor.
Remain in this position as long as you feel comfortable, Then roll up one vertebra at a time to kneeling position.

4.Downward Facing Dog (adho mukha svanasana)
The body feels energetic.
Helps in stretching the shoulders, hamstrings, calves, arches, and hands.
The arms and legs Strengthen.
Helps in preventing osteoporosis.

Begin by setting up your hands and feet coming into a Plank Position.
Place the hands shoulder-distance apart and feet outer-hip-distance apart.
After that, use the core of your body to press your hips up and back.
For the broadening of your back, slightly bend the knees to lengthen your spine and spreading the shoulders wide.
Use this pose to inhale throughly into your belly, pulling the navel up and in towards the back of your heart each time you breath out to nourish your intestines.

5. Cow pose(bitilasana)
This pose helps in Improving the posture and balance.
The spine and neck gets Strengthen and stretched.
Helps in Stretching of the hips, abdomen and the back.
coordination gets increased.

Get in a tabletop position Using all your hands and knees. Your knees should be directly below your hips and your wrists lining with your shoulders.
Breathing in deeply, Just lift your sitting bones up towards the ceiling. Open up your chest and allowing your belly to sink towards the floor.
Now breath out, come back into your initial 'tabletop' position.

6.Upward Facing Dog(urdhva mukha svanasana)
It simply strengthens the whole body and Opens the chest.

Begin by coming into table position, Gently drop your hips forward towards the ground.
Press the palms down into the floor, drop your shoulders down and back, press your chest forward reaching towards the crown of the head up to the ceiling.
While breathing in lift the thighs and your legs off of the ground by pressing the tops of the feet down and engaging mula bandha.
Breathe and hold for 1-3 breaths.
To release the position bend your knees and lift the hips back up into the initial table position.


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