
Showing posts from February, 2019

4 Yoga Poses for Stomach Aches and Constipation

Image Cat-Cow Pose (Marjariasana) Steps of Marjariasana Cat Yoga Pose Come down to form a table where your back represents a table top and hands and feet represents the legs of the table. Make sure that your arms are exactly beneath your shoulder and your legs are exactly beneath your hips. Marjariasana Yoga (Cat Stretch) Steps Benefits Precaution STEP: 1  Look ahead straight such that your spine goes little down towards the floor. Marjariasana Yoga (Cat Stretch) Steps Benefits Precaution STEP: 2 Now on exhaling, gently press the middle of your spine backward towards the ceiling and firmly press down with your hands. Curl your head inwards and look at the distance between your knees. Make sure hands do not bend. Marjariasana Yoga (Cat Stretch) Steps Benefits Precaution STEP: 3 Now while inhaling come back to the table position. Now again curl your spine backward. Repeat this pose for 10-20 times. Now while breathing deeply come back to the si

Try These 5 Naturally Anti-Inflammatory Yoga Poses to Relieve Chronic Inflammation

Bye, Bye, Inflammation! Try These 5 Naturally Anti-Inflammatory Yoga Poses to Relieve Chronic Inflammation: 1. Child’s Pose How to Practice Child’s Pose: Find a Tabletop position with your shoulders stacked over your wrists and your hips stacked over your knees Bring your big toes together while keeping your knees wide Gently sit your hips towards your heels, allowing your torso to rest between your knees with your arms extended forward Hold for 5-7 breaths Benefits Balasana (Child’s Pose) Stretches and Strengthens muscle of hips, thighs and ankles Helps to relieve stress and fatigue. Increases blood circulation. Helps to cure back pain. 2. Supine Twist How to Practice Supine Twist: Lie on your back and hug your knees toward your chest Drop both knees to the right, with the option to place a yoga block ( under your knees for more comfort Extend your arms out like a capital “T” directly in line with your shoulders Gaze in the same or oppo

5 Effective Yoga Poses Treatments For Oily Skin

1.Uttanasana(Standing Forward Bend Pose) Steps of Uttanasana: – Take a standing position; keep your feet and shoulder distance apart and parallel to each other. Press your feet down in to the ground and ground yourself powerfully. Now breathe out and gently bend down from the hips (not the waist) and place your chest and stomach on your thighs. If you are a beginner, you ought to bend your knees slightly to accomplish this. If your knees are bent, make sure that they’re straight over your toes. Slowly begin to straighten out your legs however check that your chest and abdomen never leave your thighs. Now elevate your hips as you straighten through your hamstring muscles all whereas pressing your heels into the ground.   Once you’re feeling stable, cross your forearms, grab your elbows and hang your head down. If you’re enough flexible, you’ll attempt to bring your palms to the ground or hold your heels from behind. Begin by holding this pose for thirty s

5 Yoga Pose for diabetic patients

>Ardha Matsyendrasana(Half Twist Pose) > Benefits: Good for increasing the flexibility and function of vertebrae of the spine. Stretches back muscle and spine. Cures constipation and indigestion. Helps to increases oxygen supply to the lungs. Releases stiffness of hip joints. Beneficial for slipped disc patient. Cures back problems. Increases blood circulation to pelvic region as well as improves the function of reproductive organs. Effective to cure menstrual problems in women. Helpful in treatment of diabetes, constipation, spinal problems, Cervical Spondylitis, Urinary tract disorder. > Steps for Half Twist Pose: Sit in Vajrasana position or sit straight with stretching your legs in front of you. Bend your left leg and try to touch your feet to your right buttock as shown in the above image. Bring your right leg outside of the left knee. Touch your feet to the ground. Keep your spine erect. Exhale and turn your upper body to the right. Hold your right

These 5 Yoga Poses Will Relieve Your Headaches

1. Corpse Pose Steps: 1. Lie flat on the floor, ensuring that there will be no disturbance for the duration of the pose. Make sure you are comfortable, but don’t use any pillows or cushions. It will be best if you lie on a hard surface. 2. Close your eyes. 3. Place your legs such that they are comfortably apart. Make sure your legs relax completely and your toes are facing sidewards. 4. Your arms must be placed along your body and slightly apart, leaving your palms open and facing upwards. 5. Now, slowly draw attention to every area of your body, starting from your toes. As you do this, breathe slowly, yet deeply, setting your body in a state of deep relaxation. Do not fall asleep in the process. 6. Breathe slowly, yet deeply. This will impart complete relaxation. As you breathe in, your body will be energized, and as you breathe out, your body will calm down. Focus on yourself and your body, forgetting all other tasks. Let go and surrender! But make sure you don’t d

14 days yoga retreat in Rishikesh for fantastic 14 days

Yoga is one of the best ways to meet with your internal peace; it is one of the great ways to release your stress, tension in a positive way. Today, people have loads of work and due to which they have to deal with a lot of situations and condition, and if a person is unable to deal with all such conditions, then it will lead to some health or mental problem and for that, a person has to take help from the doctor. When it comes to curing health or mental problems, then yoga could be the best option. Yoga will help you in a physical, mental and spiritual way. A person must have to perform the yoga under the guidance of trained and experienced yoga master. There are many yoga centers or schools available that offer the yoga retreat which is really affordable, it is of 7 days and 14 days, so you can choose as per your time availability. This time on your holidays, you can go with the  14 days yoga retreat in Rishikesh , the yoga holidays will be the best option for all age people

Yoga Retreat in Rishikesh For A Perfect Time With Yoga

Rishikesh is one of the beautiful city, people love to visit Rishikesh because they are able to get the internal peace over there. People who want to learn about the practicing of yoga and meditation, then their first destination is Rishikesh because it has many yoga school and centers. You can easily found the  yoga retreat in Rishikesh , there are many schools, centers or yogpeeth that offer affordable yoga retreats. Actually, it is a great way to learn yoga and Rishikesh could be the best place because learning yoga in the place of its origin is really a good choice. You can go with the 7 days or 14 days yoga retreats that will attain to live a good life along with that you can perform some activities like local sightseeing, rafting, trekking and more. Usually, the yoga retreats are one week or two weeks, it is the best way for relaxing, refreshing and rejuvenating the wellness. Going for yoga and meditation will improve your health, and you will have more positive energy and i

4 yoga poses for Sacroiliac joint pain

1. Bird Dog Pose(Parsva Balasana) Benefits: strengthens and stabilizes the core. strengthens the low back. challenges, and therefore increases, your ability to balance. may promote balance between the right and left lobes of your brain through the contralateral relationships between the arms and legs. Try this experiment: Lie on your abdomen on a yoga mat. Lift up into Sphinx Pose, so that you’re supported by your forearms. Tilt your head back as far as it will go, and be aware of how your abdomen rests on your mat. Now lift your head to an upright position, so that you look straight ahead. Draw the hyoid bone back at the top of your throat and feel what happens in your abdomen. Go back and forth between the two head positions to feel the difference in your core.  2. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana ) Bhujangasana is easy to learn. Lie down on your belly and place your face in such a manner that your chin touches the ground. Place your hands close to your body with your p

5 Yoga Asanas for Sleep Comfortably With buddhayogpeeth

1. Marjaryasana& Bitilasana It is also known as Cat-cow stretch pose. It allows more coordinated physical movement. It greatly improves flexibility. It improves posture and helps improve your walk. It acts as an excellent warm-up for the entire body. Since it actively stretches your back, torso, and neck, it improves your spine alignment. It strengthens and stimulates the abdominal muscles. It helps in regulation of breathing patterns. It stimulates your kidneys and adrenal glands. It calms you down and relieves stress. It is greatly beneficial in relieving back pain. 2. Balasana (Child’spose) When you doing this yoga asana then you Relief the tension in the back, shoulders and chest. From this yoga pose you become stress free and it is stretches the spine. Doing this yoga pose relieve neck and lower back pain. It is best for the relaxes our body. Effectively Calms the nervous system. Reduces the mind and stress free our body.

Increase your height naturally by doing these yoga asanas

1 .Tadasana(palm tree pose) Benefits It stretches the arms, chest, abdomen, spine and the legs in a very good manner. Moreover it helps in increasing the height. Instruction Stand straight with the legs aparting your hands slighlty on the sides. Looking straight Raise the hand above your head. Interlock your fingers and turning it upwards. Face the palm up to the sky. Adjust the gaze slightly to look above the horizontal level. While Breathing in deeply stretch your arms, Bring your shoulders and chest upwards. Raise your heels so that the weight of your body is borne by your toes. Start Stretching your whole body from your feet to your head. Try Remaining in this pose for a few seconds. while exhaling Bring down your heels. This will be your first round. You can try this up to 10 rounds. During your whole practice your eyes should remain steadily fixed in front little above the level of your head. 2. Trikonasana(Triangle pose) Benefits Helps in Stretching the hi

Yoga poses to Relieve Lower Back Pain

1. one legged king pigeon(Eka padarajakapotasana) Banefits Opens joint of the hips hip flexor gets lenghthen Thighs, gluteals and piriformis muscles get stretched. The groin and psoas gets extended Increased hip flexibility posture, alignment, and overall suppleness gets improved. lower back pain and stiffness gets diminished Instructions: From pigeon prep, Point your foot up to the ceiling bending your left knee Using your right hand Reach across the front of your body. And with your right hand hold your left toes. Pull your toes towards your body. While taking hold of your left toes using your right hand, reach your left arm straight up. Bending your left elbow reach behind your back for grabbing your left toes with the left hand as your elbow stays pointing up. With your right hand release the grip on the toes. Turning your chest towards the front of the mat. Reach the right arm straight up. Bend your right elbow to reach behind your back for the left toes. The


All heart problems can be cured with yoga. We all can practice a few asanas which can reduce the risk of heart problems. here are few yoga asanas for improving your heart health.  1. EASY POSE (SUKHASANA) You can do this simple seated pose initially and at the end of your practice. lay down yourself in a comfortable cross-legged posture, with your right leg before your left. If you have a tight hips, just sit on a folded blanket, a cushion or a bolster whatever is available for making the straightening of your back much easier and relaxing your shoulders down. while kneeling down Rest your hands, palms facing up, close your eyes, and concentrate on breathing in to a count of two and breathing out to a count of four. When your mind wanders—and it will—just refocus on your breath. 2. MOUNTAIN POSE (TADASANA) Its a basic pose which calms the mind, sharpens it and gives better concentration power and improves blood circulation. Stand with your feet parallel and hip-width ap

Control your anger with some easy yoga exercises

. Savasana. It is also known as Corpse poses . With the corpse pose, you lie on your back with your palms up, arms at your side. Then you relax each part of your body in turn. While doing all of this, focus on your breathing. Breathe deeply into your belly. This is a pose that is best done with your eyes closed or relaxed. 2 . Sheetali Pranayama . It is also known as cooling breath . Excellent way to address anger. You simply roll your tongue (curling in the edges) or purse your lips if you can’t roll your tongue, and inhale slowly through your mouth so that the breath comes through your rolled up tongue. Then, close your mouth and exhale through your nose. This practice is thought to reduce anger and improve focus. 3 . Ardha Matsyendrasana. It is also known as half twist pose . This yoga asana a massage the internal organs of your body and it is best for stretches your spine. You can accomplish pose by sitting with both legs ahead of you then bending one knee

Traditional exercises of yoga to Stop Smoking with Buddhayogpeeth.

1. Bhujangasana ·          It is also known as Cobra pose. ·          Expands the chest. ·          Effective for blood circulation. ·          Reduces Fat. ·          Relevant for people with   respiratory disease . ·          Helps peoples to avoid smoking.                                                    2.     Setu Bandhasana . ·          It is also known as Bridge Pose. ·          Best for the lungs. ·          Flow of oxygen is improved to the body. ·          Stretches all body parts. ·          Calms the mind. ·          Reduces the depression, and stress. ·          Fends off smoking. 3.      Sarvangasana ·          It is also called the Shoulder stand pose. ·          It is helps our brain to better flow of blood. ·          Effective asana for calms the mind. ·            Reduces stress  and depression and helps the quit urge to smoke. 4.    Shishuasana ·          It is also known as the Child   Pose. ·